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3-Minute Mile - Part 8



Welcome to the 3-Minute Mile

A 3-minute mile does not exist in the natural running world,

because no one has ever been able to run that fast.

But, in your spiritual run – you can be transported quickly.






God can do it through YOU!

He needs YOU!

God designed YOU to run the good race.



Oh, my! I did not even think the seeds I planted would grow. My reasoning came through the experience of crop failure years ago. This time, planting seeds was my husband's idea, and I decided it might be fun doing it together. We were operating on his faith. Well, I learned some things in the process that I knew before but failed to practice.

I had some seeds I had saved from my plants last year and some packets of seeds. Also, my husband had me order wildflower seeds. We got the pots ready. The wildflower planting was challenging because it included a mix of other things, making it hard to plant individual seeds. So, we put the mixture into the pots, without regard to spacing. We were thrilled when they sprouted, and we watched them grow tall, thin, and spindly. When I did get ready to transplant them, they were so close together that the dirt fell off the roots. What that exposed was a lack of a sound root system. But, I replanted them and shored them up with soil – not knowing if it would be successful or not.

In the pots where I had planted the individual seeds from seed packs and my own saved seeds, I found a better root system, and they were a tad heartier because of better spacing. Like my husband said, "It's an experiment." I had two pots where nothing came up. I believe the seeds in the seed packs were too old. A little six-pack pot netted just a couple of plants and no forget-me-nots for me. Zinnias from seeds saved looked better. The sunflowers needed to toughen up, or they would fail. There is not one plant that looks great. I said, "We'll see!"

Sometime later, it was apparent that our valiant efforts were mostly to no avail – except for the zinnias. However, Steve readied two areas next to our driveway, and we sowed wildflower seeds there. The ground was not great, and we didn't always water them regularly; however, the crop was outstanding. There are so many different plants and a variety of colors. It is such a happy place that greets us when we go to the cars or walk past them to the mailbox. What joy we have had in this experiment. The pot-planting failed for the wildflowers, but planting the seed mixture straight in the ground brought success. We have had such fun. We call it Steve's garden, and he is thrilled.

We are like the seed in our spiritual life. We need just the right conditions to grow. If we are not careful, we will not flourish spiritually due to the unsatisfactory conditions around us. We need to be fed, watered, tended. We need Jesus to thrive.

Psalm 92:12 (AMP)

The righteous will flourish like the date palm [long-lived, upright and useful]; they will grow like a cedar in Lebanon [majestic and stable].


Dear Lord God Jehovah, I ask that you bless this reader to flourish with long life, righteousness, and purpose. Let them be Your expression in the Earth as a testament to Your love, mercy, and grace. May Your glory be upon them for all to see and know that You are their God. In Jesus' name. Amen


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